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SplashWallet is a bundle of four popular solutions designed to optimize and assist with your personal organization.
SplashID safely and securely stores all of your personal identification information, including user names, passwords, credit card numbers, calling card numbers, bank account numbers, PINs, frequent flyer numbers, and more.Automatic synchronization provides instant access to your data on both your handheld and desktop computer.
SplashMoney is a personal finance manager for Palm OS handhelds that allows you to record your checking, credit card and cash transactions; track your account balances; and manage your finances while on the go.Helpful data entry tools like auto-fill and memorized transactions make entering transactions a breeze. And now you can synchronize with the SplashMoney Desktop and download transactions from your online bank!
SplashPhoto turns your Palm handheld into a mobile digital picture frame. Simply load your favorite images with the included desktop software and you're ready to view images while on the go.Images can be viewed by thumbnail, individually or in a slide show. And you can even beam images to your friends! Now includes support for Hi Res (320x320) and Hi Res + (320x480) devices and JPEG image viewing.
SplashShopper is a shopping list application for Palm OS handhelds that is perfect for keeping lists of groceries to buy, movies to rent, CDs to buy, books to read and more!Create an unlimited number of shopping lists, and generate memorized shopping lists (like weekly groceries) with a single tap. Automatic synchronization provides instant access to your shopping lists on both your handheld and desktop computer.
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